




import Data.Array
import Data.List

type Point = (Int,Int)
type Field = Array Point Char
type Route = [Point]

isLegalPuyo :: Char -> Bool
isLegalPuyo '\n' = False
isLegalPuyo '\r' = False
isLegalPuyo _ = True

parseField :: String -> Field
parseField cs =
    let numRow = length $ lines $ cs
        numCol = length $ head $ lines $ cs
        puyos = filter isLegalPuyo cs
    in  array ((1,1),(numRow,numCol)) $ zip [(y,x) | y <- [1..numRow], x <- [1..numCol]] puyos

unfoldLine :: Int -> String -> [String]
unfoldLine x cs = case splitAt x cs of
                      (xs,[]) -> [xs]
                      (xs,ys) -> xs : unfoldLine x ys

showField :: Field -> IO ()
showField field = do
    putStr $ unlines $ unfoldLine (snd $ snd $ bounds field) $ elems field

dfs :: (a -> [a]) -> a -> [a]
dfs next node = dfs' node
        dfs' n = n : concatMap dfs' (next n)

inBound :: Field -> Point -> Bool
inBound field (y,x) =
    let ((y1,x1),(y2,x2)) = bounds field
    in  y1 <= y && y <= y2 && x1 <= x && x <= x2

findNextRoutes :: Field -> Route -> [Route]
findNextRoutes field route =
    let pos@(y,x) = head route
        neighbors = filter (inBound field) [(y+1,x),(y-1,x),(y,x+1),(y,x-1)]
        puyo = field ! pos
        same_puyo_poss = filter (\p -> (field ! p) == puyo) neighbors
        not_dupe_poss = filter (\p -> not $ p `elem` route) same_puyo_poss
    in  map (:route) not_dupe_poss

findChainedRoute :: Field -> Point -> Route
findChainedRoute field pos = 
    let routes = dfs (findNextRoutes field) [pos]
    in  nub $ concat $ routes

erasePuyo :: Field -> Maybe Field
erasePuyo field =
    let puyo_poss = filter (\x -> (field ! x) /= ' ') (indices field)
        erase_routes = filter (\x -> length x >= 4) $ map (findChainedRoute field) puyo_poss
        erase_pos = nub $ concat $ erase_routes
    in  case erase_pos of
            [] -> Nothing
            xs -> Just (field // zip xs (repeat ' '))

dropPuyoLine :: Int -> Field -> Field
dropPuyoLine col field =
    let numRow = fst $ snd $ bounds field
        puyos = map (field !) [(p,col) | p <- [numRow,numRow-1 .. 1]]
        packedPuyos = filter (/= ' ') puyos
    in  field // zip [(p,col) | p <- [numRow,numRow-1 .. 1]] (packedPuyos ++ repeat ' ')

dropPuyo :: Field -> Field
dropPuyo field =
    let numCol = snd $ snd $ bounds field
    in  foldr dropPuyoLine field [1..numCol]

enumerateFields :: Field -> [Field]
enumerateFields field =
    case erasePuyo field of
        Just x -> let next_field = dropPuyo x
                  in  next_field : enumerateFields next_field
        Nothing -> []

showNumberedField :: (Int,Field) -> IO ()
showNumberedField (index,field) = do
    putStrLn $ show index
    putStrLn ""
    showField field
    putStrLn "------------------------------------"

main :: IO ()
main = do
    cs <- readFile "source.txt"
    let field = parseField cs
        enumerated_fields = enumerateFields field
    mapM_ showNumberedField (zip [1..] enumerated_fields)
